Company Information
This website is owned and operated by:
Brødrene Hartmann A/S
Ørnegårdsvej 18
2820 Gentofte (Denmark)
Phone: +45 45 97 00 00
CVR-no. 63 04 96 11
You may download material displayed on this website for non-commercial and personal use only, and provided that you adhere to and respect all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices. The contents of this website may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way – for either public or commercial use or communication – without the prior written permission of Brødrene Hartmann A/S. This also applies to texts, images, audio and video.
The trademarks and logos displayed on this website are the trademarks of Brødrene Hartmann A/S. Nothing contained on the site may be used without the prior written permission of Brødrene Hartmann A/S.
Any comments or materials sent to this website – or otherwise sent to Brødrene Hartmann A/S regarding this site – will be treated as non-confidential and may be used without any limitations or payment by Brødrene Hartmann A/S. Any such comments or materials shall be considered the company’s property upon receipt.
Go to Privacy Policy of Brødrene Hartmann A/S
This website has been designed in accordance with Dänisch law. Reasonable care is being taken to ensure that the site’s content is accurate and up-to-date; however, Brødrene Hartmann provides no guarantees or representations about the accuracy, sequence, timeliness or completeness of this website's content and may discontinue publishing the site without prior notice. The information contained on this site is intended for general guidance only.
Brødrene Hartmann A/S assumes no responsibility for the content of any linked websites.
Although Brødrene Hartmann A/S takes all reasonable measures to ensure that the website does not contain any viruses, computer worms, Trojans or other threats, we cannot provide guarantee that the website is free from such harmful programs. Therefore, Brødrene Hartmann A/S disclaims all liability related to loss due to harmful programs received from the website or due to the downloading of files from the website.
In order to track the IP address of the visitors and monitoring their navigation on our website, Brødrene Hartmann A/S use cookies on a limited scale for statistical purposes. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer’s hard drive through your web browser by the website. For more information about cookies, please refer to our cookie policy. For more information on how we process your personal data when using cookies, please refer to our privacy policy.
The information will only be used within Brødrene Hartmann A/S, and by our relevant partners in order to increase the quality of content, service and support to our visitors and customers. From time to time, some of this information may be made public, however it will only be in an aggregate, non-personally identifiable form, such as how many visitors have visited
You have the right to be informed about the data that Brødrene Hartmann A/S has stored about you and you can also request (free of charge) that all incorrect personalised data is immediately corrected or that Brødrene Hartmann A/S ceases to process your personalised data.
Brødrene Hartmann A/S shall not be liable for any loss whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, arising out of access to, use of, or reliance upon any of the website content or content on websites to which this site is linked; this is regardless of whether such content is accurate or complete. Brødrene Hartmann A/S will not pay any damages whether for loss or injury, punitive or otherwise because of any such access to, use of, or reliance upon any of the website content or content on websites to which this site is linked.
This disclaimer and the website contents shall be governed exclusively by Dänisch law without regard to its conflict of law rules. Any dispute arising out of – or in relation to – the website, the privacy policy or this legal notice, shall, if it cannot be solved amicably, be decided exclusively by the Dänisch courts in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Photo Credits
On our website we use images from: