Hartmann creates positive impact through six prioritized Sustainable Development Goals:
SDG 5 | Gender equality:
Discrimination against women is not tolerated and we support women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels. To reach this we have policies and practices in place that ensure women’ s rights, a safe working place and equal access to positions.
SDG 6 | Clean water and sanitation:
Clean water and sanitation: We focus highly on wastewater and have established advanced water treatment procedures in many facilities. We also put a lot of effort into improving water-use efficiency, and we continue to increase the amount of recycled water in our production processes and explore how to eliminate wastewater discharge further.
SDG 8 | Decent work and economic growth:
We enhance the use of recycled products and focus on how we can improve our production processes. We have policies, practices, and safety training that support a safe and secure working environment. Finally, we provide equal pay for equal work.
SDG 12 | Responsible consumption and products:
Manufacturing packaging based on recycled raw materials is directly linked to responsible consumption. Reducing waste is an important part of our business model and is prevalent in our policies and practices as well as the certifications we have obtained. As a manufacturer we offer FSC®-certified retail packaging and carbon-neutral retail packaging by certification.
SDG 13 | Climate action:
Climate action: Hartmann supports the overall goal by working to reduce CO2e emissions using improved technology and investments in reduced energy consumption. Our technology competence centre in Kolding leads the significant task of enabling energy reduction. Here, developing new technological solutions is crucial in realising our ambitions.
SDG 14 | Life below water:
We are committed to fighting plastic pollution and ensuring that plastic waste does not leak into precious ecosystems and thereby reducing the amounts of plastic that enters the world’s oceans and natural ecosystems. We offer our customers the opportunity to switch away from single-use plastic packaging by offering our biodegradable packaging products based on recycled wastepaper. We focus on improving water consumption and efficiency, and we continue to increase the amount of recycled water in our production processes as well as reducing wastewater discharge.