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Hartmann Ács – How a small Hungarian town developed into a global player


Hartmann’s Hungarian subsidiary is now the world’s largest egg packaging production plant by volume.

Hartmann Ács is the Hungarian branch of the Danish-based Hartmann Group. Founded in 1917 in Denmark, Hartmann is the world’s leading manufacturer of moulded fibre egg packaging and a leading manufacturer of machinery for producing moulded fibre packaging.

Hartmann has taken investments of billions in Hungary – particularly over the past 5 years – steadily increasing production output to several million pieces per day, optimising the logistics processes and creating completely new organisational units. The plant has grown continuously, not only by the amount of production lines, but over the years has been replaced by even larger production lines as Hartmann has invested heavily in new technologies and automation to stay ahead of the competition. 

With the latter point in mind, Hartmann has recently mapped every moulded fibre plant around the world and the news is to say that the latest new production line makes this plant the world’s largest, by production volume.

Torben Rosenkrantz-Theil CEO
“While the world remains in constant turmoil, three things will never change People will still eat eggs, eggs will still need packaging and no matter what happens, Hartmann will be around to help producers get eggs from the farm to the table.”

Hartmann sees this all as a truly worthwhile investment for three powerful reasons. First, the plant’s location is perfect for serving the large, mature markets to the west as well as the continually growing markets to the east. Second, growth efforts have been continuously supported by the city of Ács and finally the skills and dedication of wonderful employees in Hungary have helped to build it into a truly world-class facility.

As a result, the team has grown since the 1990s, from 100 people to nearly 600 - many of whom have been with the company for 15-20 years, and 90% of them local. Hartmann has grown into the community of Ács and the surrounding region, supporting its people, their interests and their social responsibility. And aims to continue this support, nurturing people and the wider community whilst further increasing production volume.

All of which means Hartmann has grown sturdy roots in Ács to support a stable future for both the company and the region and can look to the future with the same optimism as the founders did in 1917.

03 November 2022
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